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Set all Oracle EPM Windows Services to Manual

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It is best practice to set all Oracle EPM Windows services to manual. In most situations maintenance on the Windows servers is performed scheduled and unattended. That means e.g. when installing Windows patches, the servers might be rebooted at any time in any order. In most cases the shutdown is forced. That means all running processes that do not end within a specified time, are killed. In my experience this can damage the Oracle EPM installation. Hence my recommendation. When you perform as many installations as I do, you start to appreciate some automation of certain tasks during installation and configuration.

Below a simple, but effective PowerShell script that finds and disables all Oracle EPM Windows Services. Only works on EPM and up.


  1. Nice! I use the following script for

    gwmi win32_service -filter "name LIKE 'OracleProcess%' OR name LIKE 'HYS9%'" | foreach {
    $service = $_
    Write-Host "Changing $service.Name to set Start Type to Manual..."

    Get-Service $service.Name | Set-Service -StartupType Manual

    By the way your script examples don't show up correctly on my work laptop - I am guessing because Google Drive is blocked. Can you please include plain version of the scripts, when the Javascript doesn't load?

    This is a very good post for EPM infrastructure engineers, though!

  2. Nice one! Thanks for sharing! Most likely java is blocked which is used to syntax highlight my scripts. Please find the code below:

    --- Start Code ---
    $Services = Get-Service | where {$_.DisplayName -like "Oracle*"}

    Foreach ($service in $Services)
    Write-Host ('Setting "' + $service.DisplayName + '" to manual startup: ' ) -NoNewline
    Set-Service -Name $service.Name -StartupType Manual
    write-host "done."
    write-host "failed."
    --- End Code ---
